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Terms & Conditions


    1. The PROLINE PROMOTIONS Program (the “Program”) is a program whereby participants can earn and allocate entries (each an “Entry”, collectively “Entries”) for the purpose of entering specific Program contests made available by OLG as part of the Program on the Site from time to time during the Program Period for a chance to win a prize (each, a “Contest”) pursuant to these general terms and conditions (the “Terms”). This Program is sponsored by the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (“OLG” or the “Sponsor”). The Program is managed by Splashdot (the “Program Manager”), acting on behalf of the Sponsor for the purposes of this Program.
    2. These Terms contain the specific terms and conditions which govern the Program. By entering this Program, Members accept and agree to be bound by these Terms and the decisions of OLG and the Program Manager, which are final without right of appeal, binding and conclusive on all matters related to this Program.
    3. This Program is intended to be conducted separately and with a distinct set of Terms from all other promotions being administered by OLG. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Members (as defined herein) are subject to the Winners Edge Official Program Terms, which are incorporated here by reference. In the event of a conflict between these Terms and the Winners Edge Official Program Terms, these Terms shall govern.
    4. This Program involves only the PROLINE and POOLS lottery retail products conducted and managed by OLG in Ontario. PROLINE+ and POOLS Online Bet purchases are not eligible for the Program and cannot be redeemed for any Entries. Wagering on PROLINE and POOLS retail lottery products is subject to the PROLINE Game Conditions and POOLS Game Conditions, respectively, as well as the Rules Respecting Lottery Games, all as set out on OLG.ca.
    6. This Program is a separate and distinct promotional program from the former “Proline Points” program and any points earned pursuant to that former Program are not eligible for redemption as any Entry for the purpose of this Program.
    1. The Program is available in Ontario only and only to those residing in Ontario who (at the time of participation) are eighteen (18) years of age or older and have a valid Account in good standing as set out herein (“Eligible Participant”).
    2. Notwithstanding section 2.1, the Program is not open to the following individuals who, at the time of participating, are:
      1. Employees of:
        1. The Sponsor, including full-time, part-time, and student employees, persons directly on the Sponsor’s payroll, and employees of the Sponsor that are on paid or unpaid leave;
        2. The Sponsor’s advertising, promotion, and Program management agencies;
        3. The Program Manager; or
        4. The Alcohol and gaming Commission of Ontario (“AGCO”).
      2. Members of OLG’s Board of Directors;
      3. Directors, officers, partners, and sole proprietors of OLG’s authorized retailers, or paid or unpaid, full-time, part-time, and student employees of OLG’s authorized retailers who are engaged in any manner in the handling of lottery tickets, including without limitation the activation, sale, validation or the redemption of lottery tickets are not eligible to participate in this Program, by themselves or as a member of a group, by way of purchasing or receiving a lottery ticket from the retailer location with which he/she is associated, and are not entitled to claim any prize resulting from their participation contrary to these Rules or contrary to any applicable policy of OLG.
      4. Individual consultants or public-sector employees retained by OLG through contracts of retainer for periods of service of thirty (30) days or more in the aggregate.
    3. In the event that a person does not meet the eligibility requirements as set forth herein, OLG has the right, in its sole discretion, to reject or disqualify the person from participating in this Program. The disqualified person will not be entitled to any benefit due to such disqualification.
    1. To participate in the Program, an Eligible Participant must visit the Program website at [https://prolinepromotions.olg.ca] (“Site”) and follow the necessary sign-up steps to create an account (“Account”) and agree to be bound by these Terms. If the Eligible Participant is a Winners Edge member, he/she can create an Account using their Winners Edge credentials. If the Eligible Participant is not a Winners Edge member, a Winners Edge account will also be created at the time of sign-up for the Program. Upon confirmation of successful sign-up, the Eligible Participant will be considered a member of the Program (“Member”) and eligible to earn and allocate Entries as described herein. Account registration is free and no purchase is necessary to participate in the Program.
    1. The Program commences September 16, 2024, at 12:00:00 a.m. ET and will end automatically on August 31, 2025, at 11:59:59 p.m. ET, unless terminated earlier or extended by OLG as set out herein, in its sole and absolute discretion (the “Program Period”).
    2. OLG will provide notice of Program termination at least thirty (30) days in advance to the email associated with a Member account. Upon Program termination, all unallocated Entries remaining in a Member’s Account balance will expire. Following Program termination, no further Entries may be earned or allocated other than as set out herein.
    3. OLG reserves the right to extend the Program beyond August 31st, 2025, in its sole and absolute discretion. If the Program is so extended, OLG may at any time thereafter terminate the Program for any reason, upon thirty (30) days’ written notice to Members by way of email to the email associated with an Account. Any unallocated Entries in a Member’s account following termination by OLG pursuant to this Section 4.3 shall expire.
    1. Members can earn and accumulate Entries in the Program as follows:
      1. First Program Entry: During certain promotional periods as communicated by OLG and subject at all times to any applicable promotional terms and conditions, a member may earn up to twenty-five (25) Entries without purchase upon first log-in to their Account. Members may earn Entries using this method only one (1) time.
      2. Eligible Ticket Purchase: A Member must first place a Bet (in the case of PROLINE, as that term is defined in the PROLINE Game Conditions) or Retail Bet (in the case of POOLS, as that term is defined in the POOLS Game Conditions) and complete a purchase of a PROLINE or POOLS ticket at a retail location in Ontario between September 1, 2024 and August 31, 2025 to be eligible to earn Entries (“Eligible Ticket”). To receive Entries, Members must locate the unique twenty-two (22) digit code found at the bottom of their Eligible Ticket after placing an eligible wager (“Program Code”). Once a Member has obtained a Program Code, they must, during the Program Period, log-in to their Account and input their Program Code by one of the two methods outlined below:
        1. Log-in to your Account and navigate to the [“Enter Tickets” page]. Once on the [“Enter Tickets” page], select “Enter Tickets” and input the Program Code; or
        2. Log-in to your Account on your mobile device and navigate to [“Enter Tickets”] page. Scan your Ticket Barcode using your mobile device camera. Members will need to allow PROLINE PROMOTIONS access to their mobile device camera in order to scan an Eligible Ticket.

        Entries will be awarded at the rate of one (1) Entry for each one (1) Canadian dollar wagered per Eligible Ticket, subject to any limited-time promotional offers communicated by Sponsor (in which case, such promotional terms shall govern). A limit of twenty (20) Program Codes can be entered into the Site per day, as determined solely by the Program Administrator. Entries can only be earned once on every Eligible Ticket. It is the Member’s responsibility to ensure that the Program Code is properly inputted into their Account.
    2. A limit of two hundred and fifty thousand (250,000) Entries may be held in any Member Account at any time (“Entries Limit”). Any attempts to accumulate any Entries beyond this threshold will not be successful until such time as the Member’s Account is reduced below the Entry Limit.
    3. Program Code Expiry: Program Codes are valid for three (3) months from the date of purchase of an Eligible Ticket, as determined by OLG in its sole discretion. Once a Program Code expires, it is no longer valid to earn Entries.
    4. Entries will be allocated to each Member’s Account by Sponsor in accordance with its official records and these Rules. Entries have no value outside of this Program and have no cash value. Entries cannot be assigned, exchanged, traded, bartered, purchased, given by gift or otherwise sold. Any Entries so acquired are void. If any Eligible Ticket or wager is cancelled or rendered void for any reason, as determined by OLG in its sole discretion, it will not be eligible for Entry allocation. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, OLG may, at its sole discretion, agree to transfer Entries to the surviving spouse of a deceased Member (provided such spouse is or becomes a Member of the Program in accordance with these Terms). The accumulation of Entries does not entitle the Member to any vested rights, and OLG does not guarantee in any way the continued availability of, any reward or any other benefit. All Entries are subject to verification at any time and for any reason. OLG reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to invalidate any Entries that OLG deems to have been awarded in error, or as the result of any fraudulent activity, or any activity not in keeping with the letter and/or spirit of these Terms, as interpreted by OLG in its sole discretion. Any Entries that cannot be verified to the complete satisfaction of OLG are subject to disqualification.
    5. The earning of any Entry does not in itself entitle the Member to any benefit hereunder. In order to enter a Contest and be eligible to win a Contest prize, a Member must take the steps outlined in Section 6 and allocate Entries in the available Contest of the Member’s choice in the timeframes provided by the applicable Contest Rules.
    1. To gain entry into any of the Contests offered as part of this Program, a Member must, within the Contest period outlined in the relevant Contest Rules (“Contest Period”), use the allocation function found on the Site and choose the number of earned Entries to be allocated to a given Contest. In some cases, a Contest may contain multiple prizes and random draws will be conducted for each prize (each, a “Draw”). A Member may elect to allocate Entries to specific Draws in accordance with their preferences. After an Entry is allocated by the Member to a given Contest Draw, a Member will have the opportunity, within the Contest Period, to withdraw all or some of their previously allocated Entries from the relevant Draw and re-allocate the Entry(ies) into another Draw for the same Contest. For clarity, re-allocation shall only be permitted within the same Contest and only during the relevant Contest Period. Any Entries withdrawn and not re-allocated within the Contest Period will not be entered into that Contest. Entry or participation in any Contest shall be subject to and governed by the PROLINE PROMOTION Program Contest Rules for the specific Contest at issue (“Contest Rules”). Allocation of Entries into any Contest amounts to the Member’s agreement to participate in the Contest and be bound by the Contest Rules. No purchase is necessary to participate in any of the Contests offered in the Program, and odds of winning any prize will depend on the total number of Entries allocated by all participating Members during each Contest Period for each Contest/Draw, including by way of the no purchase necessary method.
    2. A Member’s Entry balance will be reduced by the number of Entries required to obtain the desired Contest allocation and entry. Unallocated Entries can be applied to subsequent Contests pursuant to Section 6.1 for allocations within the Program Period, subject to expiry and and/or earlier termination of this Program as set out herein. Entries can only be allocated one time, subject to Section 6.1. Once Entries have been allocated at the end of a Contest Period, they are no longer valid for any subsequent allocation in any subsequent Contest, and they may not be returned or reinstated to the Member’s Account for any reason.
    3. Other than what is set out in this Section 6, Entries may not be used for any other purpose and have no cash value.
    1. Upon Termination. As set out in Section 4 above, Entries will automatically expire upon Program termination for any reason.
    2. Inactivity. Entries will also expire in the event of Account Inactivity. Account Inactivity is defined when both conditions (a) and (b) below are satisfied in any twelve (12) consecutive month period:
      1. When a Member has not allocated any Entries for entry in any Program Contest; and
      2. When a Member has not earned any Entries as set out herein.
    3. In the event of Account Inactivity, all Entries remaining in any Account will automatically expire.
    4. Members will receive notification by email of any possible Entry expiry due to Member Inactivity no later than thirty (30) days before said Entries are scheduled to expire. Players will be able to get expiry information from the My Account page of their Account.
    1. OLG reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to deny any application for Program membership. At the sole discretion of OLG, membership in the Program may be revoked or cancelled at any time. In such circumstances, any accumulated Entries will be forfeited in their entirety.
    2. OLG, Splashdot, the AGCO, and each of their respective parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, prize suppliers, advertising/promotion agencies and any entity involved in the development, production, administration, or fulfillment of the Program, and each of their respective officers, directors, agents, representatives, successors and assigns (collectively, the “Released Parties”) will not be liable for, and accept no liability whatsoever in relation to a Member’s participation in the Program, including without limitation: (i) the failure of any Entries to be captured or recorded for any reason; (ii) the use or non-use of any Entries by any Member; or (iii) the use or non-use of any Contest prize associated with the Program. Any Entries accumulated through misuse of the Account, abuse or fraud (all as determined by OLG in its sole discretion) will be forfeited. All determinations regarding whether or not a Member is eligible to earn Entries in accordance with these Terms will be made by OLG in its sole discretion.
    3. The Released Parties shall not be liable for any loss or damage, however caused, that is suffered by any person as a result of the Program. The Released Parties are not responsible for: (i) any lost, stolen, delayed, damaged or misdirected information including in respect of any Eligible Ticket or related Program Codes; (ii) for the failure, interruption, delay or other problem(s) of any mail or email or other communication to be received or other problem(s) of any nature, whatsoever, for any reason; (iii) any computer viruses, time bombs, logic bombs and any other implanted devices of a like or similar nature that may arise or occur in connection with the Program; (iv) problems with the function of any website or website feature howsoever caused; (v) the malfunction of, or damage caused to, any telephone network or lines, computer equipment, data or software, online systems, servers or access providers; (vi) any functionality lost due to not having cookies enabled; traffic congestion on the Internet; (vii) the security or privacy of information transmitted via computer networks; (viii) for breaches of privacy due to interference by third party computer “hackers”; or (ix) the failure of any information to be received, captured or recorded for any reason whatsoever; (x) any combination thereof, as a result of participation in this Program, all as determined by the Released Parties in their sole discretion. In the event OLG is found liable, the Member shall only be entitled to recover actual and direct damages, not to exceed in the aggregate the monetary equivalent value of the Member’s Entry balance in their Account. The Released Parties shall have no liability for any incidental, indirect or consequential damages arising of or in any way connected with the Program, even if OLG has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
    4. By participating in this Program, each Member: (i) confirms compliance with these Terms; and (ii) releases the Released Parties from any and all liability in connection with this Program, the Member’s participation herein and/or the awarding and use/misuse of Entries.
    5. Entries that have been obtained or made through fraudulent means are subject to disqualification. The Released Parties will not be responsible for Entries that are lost, misdirected, or delayed for any reason whatsoever. A Member is only allowed to register for one (1) Account. More than one registration will invalidate ALL Entries accumulated by the person who created the duplicate accounts and each such account will be disqualified (“Disqualified Account”). None of the accounts deemed, in the Program Manager’s sole discretion, to be a Disqualified Account, will be eligible to win a prize as part of any Contest.
    6. If the identity of a Member is disputed, the authorized account holder of the email address associated with the Account in question will be deemed to be the Member for the purposes of the Program. The individual assigned to the email address for the domain associated with the submitted email address is considered the authorized account holder. A Member may be required to provide proof that they are the authorized account holder of the email address associated with the Account in question and is otherwise required to meet all eligibility requirements set out in these Rules. Failure to do so may result in disqualification in the sole and absolute discretion of the Program Manager and/or the Sponsor.
    7. In the event of any conflict with any provisions contained in these Terms and details contained in any form of related promotional material or media (the “Program Materials”), these Terms shall prevail.
    8. The Sponsor may, in its sole and absolute discretion, extend this Program for any reason it deems appropriate. This includes, but is not limited to, satisfying promotional integrity issues, technical errors or issues, or any other reason deemed appropriate by Sponsor.
    9. OLG and the Sponsor reserve the right, in their sole discretion subject only to applicable law, to modify or withdraw all or a portion of these Terms, at any time without further notice and without incurring any liability or obligation, and to disqualify any individual who tampers with the process, violates these Terms, or acts in a disruptive manner. Without limiting the foregoing, OLG may lock out any Member who, in OLG’s sole judgment, has been disqualified, has questionable eligibility, or is otherwise ineligible to enter the Program. A Member’s continued access to and/or use of the Program after any such changes constitutes his/her acceptance of, and agreement to be legally bound by, these Terms as revised. It is each Member’s sole responsibility to regularly check to determine if there have been any changes to these Terms and to review such changes.
    10. Subject only to applicable law, a Member’s account (and therefore his/her ability to participate in the Program) may be terminated at any time and without notice by OLG if the Member has been deemed by OLG, in its sole discretion, to: (i) violate these Terms; (ii) provide false or fictitious information to OLG; (iii) misuse or abuse (or attempt to misuse or abuse) the Program and/or Member privileges; (iv) commit (or attempt to commit) fraud; and/or (v) take any other action or actions deemed by OLG to be contrary to the Program, the letter and/or spirit of these Terms, or the interests of other Members. If a Member’s permission to participate in the Program is terminated by OLG for any reason, the agreement formed by the Member’s acceptance of these Terms will nevertheless continue to apply and be binding upon the Member in respect of the Member’s prior participation in the Program and anything relating to or arising from such participation. Upon termination, all Entries associated with the Member’s account will be forfeited (subject only to applicable law). If a Member is dissatisfied with the Program for any reason, then his/her sole and exclusive remedy is to use any existing Entries in accordance with these Terms and discontinue participating in the Program.
    11. OLG reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to require proof (in a form acceptable to OLG) for any reason OLG deems necessary, in its sole discretion, for the purposes of administering this Program in accordance with the letter and spirit of these Terms. Failure to provide such proof to the complete satisfaction of OLG within the timeline specified by OLG may result in disqualification from the Program. If it is discovered by OLG (using any evidence or other information made available to or otherwise discovered by OLG) that any Member (or any person purporting to be a Member) has attempted to use multiple names, identities and/or any other means not expressly sanctioned by these Terms to participate in or disrupt this Program, then he/she may be disqualified from the Program in the sole discretion of OLG.
    12. OLG reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to withdraw, suspend or amend this Program in any way, or to amend these Terms in any way, without prior notice or obligation, in the event of: (i) any cause beyond the reasonable control of OLG that interferes with the proper conduct of this Program as contemplated by these Terms, including, without limitation, any error, problem, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud or failure of any kind whatsoever; (ii) any accident, printing, administrative, or other error of any kind; and/or (iii) for any other reason that OLG deems necessary, in its sole discretion, to ensure that this Program is conducted in accordance with the letter and spirit of these Terms. Any attempt to undermine the legitimate operation of this Program in any way (as determined by OLG in its sole discretion) may be a violation of criminal and civil laws and should such an attempt be made, OLG reserves the right to seek remedies and damages to the fullest extent permitted by law.
    13. OLG reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to take whatever measures or actions it deems necessary to help ensure that the Program is administered in accordance with the letter and spirit of these Terms. ANY INDIVIDUAL DEEMED BY OLG AT ANY TIME TO BE IN VIOLATION OF THE LETTER AND/OR SPIRIT OF THESE TERMS FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER IS SUBJECT TO DISQUALIFICATION IN THE SOLE DISCRETION OF OLG.
    14. Any personal information collected by OLG or on OLG’s behalf by the Program Manager and/or Program Administrator, including but not limited to Entrants’ contact information, is collected pursuant to section 3 of the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation Act, 1999 and is intended to be used for the following purposes: to conduct and administer the Program by OLG or through a Program Manager or Program Administrator, including but not limited to contacting entrants, validating eligibility and the awarding of the Prize(s); marketing and advertising purposes including providing individuals with information or services they have opted in to receive, understanding their interests, responding to their concerns and improving service delivery; for OLG's internal business purposes and to comply with legal requirements. For more information, please speak with an OLG Support Centre representative by calling 1-800-387-0098 or by mail at 70 Foster Drive, Suite 800. Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6A 6V2.
    15. In determining whether a Member is entitled to allocate Entries, OLG is entitled to review and rely upon, and the Member is bound by, the information recorded in OLG’s computer database(s). No Entries shall be allocated, and no discretionary benefits shall be issued, unless the Entries and personal information is validated by OLG using the validation procedure of the OLG computer system.
    16. OLG reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to adjust any of the dates, timeframes and/or other mechanics stipulated in these Terms, to the extent necessary, for purposes of verifying compliance by any Member or other information with these Terms, or as a result of any problems, or in light of any other circumstances which, in the opinion of OLG, in its sole discretion, affect the proper administration of the Program as contemplated in these Terms, or for any other reason.
    17. OLG reserves the right to change or alter this Program, as it deems appropriate, including, but not limited to, making changes or alterations to these Terms relating to the accommodation of participants in accordance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA).
    18. In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between the terms and conditions of these Terms and disclosures or other statements contained in any Program-related materials and/or any instructions or interpretations of these Terms given by any representative of OLG, the terms and conditions of these Terms shall prevail, govern and control to the fullest extent permitted by law.
    19. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of these Terms shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision. In the event that any provision is determined to be invalid or otherwise unenforceable or illegal, these Terms shall otherwise remain in effect and shall be construed in accordance with the terms as if the invalid or illegal provision were not contained herein.
    20. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, all issues and questions concerning the construction, validity, interpretation and enforceability of these Terms or the rights and obligations of Members, OLG or any of the other the Released Parties in connection with the Program will be governed by and construed in accordance with the domestic laws of the Province of Ontario and the federal laws of Canada applicable therein, without giving effect to any choice of law or conflict of law rules or provisions that would cause the application of any other jurisdiction’s laws. The parties hereby consent to exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the courts located in Ontario in any action to enforce (or otherwise relating to) these Terms or relating to this Program.
    21. Any waiver by OLG of the strict observance, performance or compliance by a Member with any of the Terms contained herein, either expressly granted or by course of conduct, shall be effective only in the specific instance and shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any rights or remedies of OLG as a result of any other failure to observe, perform or comply with these Terms. No delay or omission by OLG in exercising any right or remedy hereunder shall operate as waiver thereof or of any other right or remedy.
    22. OLG may amend these Terms or issue successor or replacement terms and conditions at any time in any manner without prior notice. By agreeing to participate in the Program, all Members agree to comply with and be legally bound by these Terms and any amendments thereto and any successor or replacement terms. These Terms are applicable to the PROLINE PROMOTIONS Program only, which is discrete and not intended to be run in conjunction with any other OLG loyalty program or terms and conditions of other OLG loyalty programs.
    23. The insertion of subheadings in these Terms are for convenience and reference purposes only and will not affect the construction or interpretation of these Terms. All sums of money that are referred to in these Terms are expressed in the lawful money of Canada. References to “discretion”, “sole discretion”, or “solely” mean the absolute, sole, unqualified, subjective discretion of the party having or exercising such discretion. In the event any part of these Terms is found to be void or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of these Terms shall operate to the fullest extent permissible by law.
    24. All times and dates refer to Eastern Time (“ET”).
    25. The Program is subject to the laws of the Province of Ontario and the Federal laws of Canada as applicable.

EFFECTIVE DATE: September 16, 2024

For any questions relating to this program, please contact the OLG Support Centre at 1-800-387-0098.

Cette information est aussi disponible en français en composant le 1-800-387-0098.